Wednesday, November 24, 2010


Woke up today with "chazown" on my mind. It is the greek word for vision.

Without vision people perish. Have the vision of God in your life manifesting.


Pastor Mark

Thursday, November 18, 2010

Avoid Judging Others Failures

I taught last night about avoiding judging failures in other and how to over come failures. When we judge failures in others we place limitations on our lives.

Let me explain. The bible has a history of men and women who have failed, but came back in an epic way. So, here are points about why not to judge failures in others.

1. What we see does not allow reflect the truth. When you look at Job's life, he was judged on something that had nothing to do with. The issue was not on what he did wrong, but on what he was doing right.

I Samuel 16:7- The Lord does not see as man sees. for man looks or judges on the appearance, but God sees the heart.

Many times we can judge on the outward, but never consult God on the truth.

2. It places limits on our life. When we are judging others, we are placing limitations on our own life. We are telling God you are not big enough to rescue them. You are not big enough to see me through.

I knew a young woman who wanted to go to college and become an attorney. When she was giving her final in High School in a writing class she stood up boldly and read out loud her paper. Everyone around her told her it will take to long and you really will not be able to do it. They gave all the reason why not. So she changed her mind because of them. She placed limits on her own life because of the failures of those students and the lack of vision they had. She now is going back to school to acquire what God originally purposed her to do.

We can see someone start something and fail, don't judge them by the failure they experienced. God is with you and you will succeed.

3. It causes us to walk in a judgemental mindset. People will always judge. I know I have at times, but just like the woman caught in Adultery (in John chapter 8) was acquitted of all her sin not because she was not guilty, but because of God's grace. God has acquitted us and others for what he have and have not done.

Where ever you are at, don't limit God's come back in your life. You are only a step away from success in life.

Get Up. Nothing is to hard from God.


Pastor Mark

Monday, November 15, 2010

Private, Personal, Public

I know this is for someone. In life we have a Private, Personal, and Public life.

Our private life should not encounter our personal life or our public life.

1. Our private life consists of you and those you allow in your inner circle. As they say this is private and it's not a secret.

2. Personal- Which is you and God. This is where your relationship with God is developed.

3. Public- This is open for everyone to see.

Now, a secret is not personal or private and there should never be secrets. The bible states that which is done in secret will be made known. So, don't hold onto secrets. When something is private or personal, it's not a secret, it's simply not meant to be disclosed at that time.

Today, implement these into your life and see a better balance when it comes to your life.

God Bless,

Pastor Mark

Thursday, November 4, 2010